Part of your obligations of being a childcare worker is to report any suspected abuse or neglect.
Mandatory reporting is the legislative requirement for selected classes of people to report suspected child abuse and neglect to government authorities. As educators and Early Childhood Teachers, it is our duty to report any suspected instances of child abuse or neglect.
What is child abuse and neglect?
There are different forms of child abuse: neglect, sexual, physical and emotional abuse.
Neglect: This is when a parent or caregiver cannot regularly give a child the basic things needed for his or her growth and development, such as food, clothing, shelter, medical and dental care, adequate supervision and enough parenting and care.
Sexual abuse: is when someone involves a child or young person in a sexual activity by using their power over them or taking advantage of their trust. Often, children or young people are bribed or threatened physically and psychologically to make them participate in the activity.
Physical abuse: is a non-accidental injury or pattern of injuries to a child or young person caused by a parent, caregiver or any other person. It includes but is not limited to injuries which are caused by excessive beatings, shaking, cigarette burns, etc. Injuries can include bruising, lacerations, welts, burns, fractures or dislocation of joints.
Emotional abuse or psychological harm: Serious psychological harm can occur where the behaviour of the parent or caregiver damages the confidence and self-esteem of the child or young person, resulting in serious emotional disturbance or psychological trauma.
As educators, we are all mandatory reporters, and as such, we must follow the guidelines in the state where we work.
NSW - Department of Communities and Justice
- Phone: Child Protection Helpline on 132 111
- Website:
Victoria - Department of Health and Human Services
- Phone: After Hours Child Protection Emergency Service on 13 12 78 or the relevant number below:
- North Division intake on 1300 664 977
- South Division intake on 1300 655 795
- East Division intake on 1300 360 391
- West Division intake – metropolitan on 1300 664 977
- West Division intake – rural and regional on 1800 075 599
- Website:
Queensland - Child Safety Services Centres
- a Regional Intake Service (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
- the Child Safety After Hours Service Centre on 1800 177 135 if outside business hours.
South Australia - Department for Child Protection
- Phone: Child Abuse Report Line on 131 478
- Website:
ACT - Child and Youth Protection Services
Mandated reporters can report online or contact Child and Youth Protection Services:- Call: 1300 556 728
- Email: